Contact / Directions
ISOLITH M. Hattinger Ges.m.b.H
Roidwalchen 30, A-5204 Straßwalchen
Tel.: +43 720 512 101
Fax: +43 6215/80124
eMail: office@isolith.com
Website: www.isolith.com
Coming from Salzburg / Vienna:
At exit 281-Wallersee drive towards B1 / Eugendorf – continue on the B1 to Straßwalchen – in Straßwalchen turn left towards Braunauer Straße (B147) – then turn left onto Baier Landesstraße / L268 (towards Lengau / Lochen) – immediately left again turn to Haidach and then on to Roidwalchen.
47°59’5”, 13°13’37”